14 February 2011


For the past 4 years (2007-2010) we had a very successful AFMIN On10 School in Kampala, Uganda.. Forty five students received an Advanced Diploma which is accredited by South African Theological Seminary (SATS) and 34 students received an AFMIN Diploma.

2 Timothy 2:2 Take the teachings that you heard me proclaim in the presence of many witnesses, and entrust them to reliable people, who will be able to teach others also.

This verse is the foundation on which the whole vision of AFMIN is built. Our vision states that we want to see a trained pastor in every church in Africa. It has always been and always will be our belief, that the future of the church in Africa lies in the hands of our leaders.
Untrained leaders result in weak churches. Trained leaders, impacts nations. It is this belief in our vision that has convinced us to also take the AFMIN On 10 training program to Uganda.

We honour a group of men and woman who refused to give up. They kept on going on. Even in difficult times they stood strong. I was so proud of these students because they did Uganda proud. Over a period of 4 years, they gave their best to become better at what God called them to be. We believe that these men have set the pace for all the others that will follow after this day.

AFMIN believes that training is an ongoing process. It doesn’t stop with one generation. Training must be handed over to others. Paul wrote to Timothy and gives this great lesson to him, that training cannot be held onto. No! It must be shared. Our students have shared their knowledge over the last 4 years with more than 1600 other leaders. This small group of men has truly made a huge impact on this country.

I want to share a few personal thoughts with you in this post. During the last 4 years I had the privilege to walk side by side with Ugandan men and woman of God. They paid a huge price for their education. Most of them had to travel from very far to get to Kampala. Some even had to travel for a few days by car, taxi and bus. All of this suffering because they understand the value of being properly equipped. We know that these men have the ability to change their villages, towns, cities and ultimately their country. AFMIN believes that every leader should take up his responsibility for their communities. But if leaders do not have the necessary skills, this task is so much more daunting.

Africa and the rest of the world is currently in a huge mess. People of all races, tribes and tongues are uncertain of what the future holds. What is needed in a time like this, is strong leadership by qualified men and woman. These men and woman have endured and are ready to impact their communities. They were faithful. They studied hard. They passed their exams. They trained others to the same material they received. They reproduced themselves in others. This makes them true leaders. They have proven themselves to be true leaders and faithful men of God. You are true champions in the Kingdom of God!

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